
田中 せり
1987年茨城県生まれ。2010年武蔵野美術大学視覚伝達デザイン学科卒業。同年、広告代理店入社。企業のロゴデザイン、ブランドのアートディレクション、展覧会の宣伝美術などに多く携わる。美術、音楽、ファッション、日本酒、本屋、化粧品など分野は様々。また写真と印刷機を扱い偶発的な表現を試たパーソナルワークの発表や展示なども行う。JAGDA新人賞、CANNES LIONS Silver、Good Design Award受賞。

Seri Tanaka
Art director / Graphic designer
Seri Tanaka is a Tokyo-based art director and graphic designer, working on branding, visual identity, advertising, and package design. She designed the logos for SENKIN, a sake brewery, and Ao-Hata Bookstore, as well as the poster design for an exhibition at the Mori Art Museum. She also published individual works and won the New Designer Award at JAGDA (Japan Graphic Design Association) and silver prize in the Cannes Creative Lions.